Wednesday, February 6, 2008

This isn't your grandparent's etiquette guide

Modern Manners envisions a world where kindness, consideration and respect for others guide our behavior.

Modern Manners extends to friends, family, colleagues and even to strangers. It's a world where everyone writes thank you notes, never shows up empty handed, and always RSVPs.

But this isn’t your grandparent’s etiquette guide — outmoded and possibly too traditional for your global, wired world. Modern Manners is for how we live today, current and kind navigation in an ever-changing, complex world.

Have a question? Have a quandary? Modern Manners is here to help.


Kam Lasater said...

You mention thank you notes. When is it appropriate to write email thank you notes vs snail mail notes?

Inquiring minds want to know.

janna said...

On this one, I'm old-school. I almost always opt for a personalized, handwritten thank you note. It shows effort. Sending appreciation to a big group or thanking someone for attending your party via email is just fine.

Unknown said...

Is it ever too late to send a thank you note?

janna said...

No. Better late than never.

Unknown said...

I guess I'll be sending my way late engagement party thank-you's.